Monday, February 25, 2008

DADES Chapter 2-3

Chapter 2 was ok introducing john isadore. I don’t like how Phillip k. dick depicts the slow and mentally unstable as “specials”. I think this is politically incorrect and wrong. Specials however were affected by the fallout of WWT. There is an advertisement on john’s TV that is really interesting. The commercial expressed the reason for people to move off of earth bye giving everyone an android. They compare the new android to the days before the civil war I interpret as slaves.

Chapter 3 is by far the most boring to me so far. Basically Rick goes to work and finds out some bad information from his boos. He explains to Rick that the head bounty hunter is in the hospital after being shot. They don’t specify whose has shot him but I’m guessing it’s most likely and android, or another bounty hunter? His boos tells him that he should meet the bounty hunter at 9:30. After he leaves the hospital he tries to buy an ostrich he saw going to work. He later tries to buy n electric one realizing he couldn’t afford a real

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